ADR-40: DCL UI dependencies upgrades

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Context and Problem Statement

The organization has several UI apps and libraries and of them have different React versions, causing issues whenever we want to consume them. To remove these problems, and to keep every app updated, we need to move to React 17 in every UI app and lib, specially in the UI repository that contains most of our shared UI components.

Updating the UI repository to the latest version of React implies updating react-semantic-ui to its latest version, ending up in a major change that removed the Responsive component, a widely used component dedicated to conditionally rendering different components based on their display. Removing this component will cause a breaking change in our current UI library and will imply everyone to get on board of this breaking change, but a different strategy can be chosen by keeping the Responsive component by copying it from the library until everyone gets on board with an alternative.

We need to provide, alongside this update, an alternative library to the Responsive component, providing a similar or a better API for rendering components according to device sizes.

Considered options

Options on how to proceed with the breaking change

  1. Do a breaking change, updating react-semantic-ui in our UI library, removing the Responsive component and forcing everyone that wants to use our UI library to change their code.
  2. Keep an exact copy of the Responsive component in our UI library, without forcing a breaking change and provide an alternative to migrate the components easily.



Options on how to replace the Responsive component

  1. The recommended by react-semantic-ui, [@artsy/fresnel]( library.
  2. An alternative (but widely used) library like [react-responsive](

First alternative (@artsy/fresnel)


Second alternative (react-semantic-ui)



The option to keep the an exact copy of the Responsive component (from the old react-semantic-ui lib version) was chosen in order to have a frictionless upgrade of the library.

The procedure in which we'll be handling the upgrade is the following:

  1. A non breaking change upgrade will be provided to our UI library, keeping the Responsive component as a deprecated component and an alternative (describe below) will be provided to replace it.
  2. A breaking change upgrade will be applied to our UI library, whenever all of our dependencies are updated, removing the Responsive component.

We’ll be providing, alongside the Responsive component a set of components and hooks to replace it, using the react-responsive, library. This library was chosen in favor of the recommended @artsy/fresnel mainly because of its versatility. The need of having to set a provider at the application's root level, (coupling the users of this dependency to @artsy/fresnel) to have better SSR support that we don't currently need, made us decide not to go with it.

The components built with the react-responsive and exposed to the consumers of our UI library will be the following:

These components describe a conditional rendering based on the media the page in being rendered.

Where we had:

return (
  <Responsive as={Menu} secondary stackable minWidth={Responsive.onlyTablet.minWidth}>
    <a className="dcl navbar-logo" href="">
      <Logo />
return (
  <Responsive {...Responsive.onlyMobile} className="dcl navbar-mobile-menu">
    <a className="dcl navbar-logo" href="">
      <Logo />
      className={`dcl active-page ${this.state.toggle ? "caret-up" : "caret-down"}`}

We now have:

return (
    <Menu secondary stackable>
      <a className="dcl navbar-logo" href="">
        <Logo />
return (
    <div className="dcl navbar-mobile-menu">
      <a className="dcl navbar-logo" href="">
        <Logo />
        className={`dcl active-page ${this.state.toggle ? "caret-up" : "caret-down"}`}

And, alongside these components, as explained before, we're exposing the following set of hooks:

Which return true if the device is the one defined as the name of the hook.

These types of hooks will provide us with newer functionality, being able to customize small portions of our code instead of forking our components into two.

As an example, we can apply certain styles by simply:

const isMobile = useMobileMediaQuery()
const classes = isMobile ? "dcl mobile" : "dcl"
return <div className={classes}>...</div>


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